Let’s talk Gilmore Girls.
Whether you’ve recently discovered the show or you’re on your bazillionth re-watch, we get it. You NEED to talk about it. With a village who understands. We’ve got you. Welcome to Gilmore Girls Blog.
We’re just here to hang out. Without agenda, without ads. Without having to like or subscribe. Just love what you love.
Between 2012 and 2019 I wrote for GilmoreNews.com. My first years were the cold, dark wilderness years, a decade after the original show had came to a rude end. I had stumbled across afternoon re-runs and was instantly hooked. The need to talk about it to someone was overwhelming. About how great it was, how funny. How smart. How it could suddenly punch you in the gut.
By the time the Netflix revival became a serious consideration in 2015 there was plenty of coverage. Prior to that, Gilmore Girls fan sites were rare and we attracted a community that often tolerated my weekly outpouring of often nonsense. We had played our part in getting us there. But these days, to be honest, I just miss talking about it.
On a bad or sad day, I’ll pick up from wherever I last left off. If you’re here, I know you do, too.
Heartbreakingly, I don’t have the original comments or community. Just the posts I wrote and a few more that were never published. The plan is keep them here in this little corner of the internet, for safe keeping. To keep the pilot light on.
It might take a little time since I’m building the site by scratching, but bear with. Once we’re up and running I doubt I’ll be able to stop myself contributing from time to time. The plan is to add comments and whatnot. In the meantime, reach out if you have any thoughts.
~ March 2025